Hi everyone!

As part of our aims to make sure that announcements and information about what is happening aren’t lost in people’s streams we have built ourselves a little space on the website for us to post news and information. 

So welcome to the Curious Pastimes blog.

We will post event updates, news and, very shortly, rules review updates directly here and then link to them on social media. Here we can make sure they’re not lost among adverts and cat pics, they will be easier to find.

Additionally we’ll tag them by date and event and subject so they should be searchable when you want to come back and see what’s going on later.

For now comments aren’t a feature – this is largely because it’s a bunch of extra work that we haven’t had time to do – all our other routes for conversation continue and, as soon as we can, you’ll be able to comment here too. 


Curious Pastimes