As we draw closer to our next event, here is a reminder of the rules regarding photography and filming at Curious Pastimes.

All Curious Pastimes events have photographers and videographers who can be seen around site, recording camps, roleplay, the tavern and battles. You may have seen some of the images on our website and some of the footage on our YouTube channel. Our photographers are all experienced with LARP photography and are excellent at being discreet.

Players may ONLY take photographs in the Out of Character area or in their own faction glade when it is timed out with permission of those included and faction command. Players are not permitted to film video of any kind in the game area at any time.

During battles and skirmishes, all of the media team will be wearing blue hi vis. Any of the media team taking videos will be wearing blue hi vis around the camps as well.

The media team working with Curious Pastimes at E4 2024 are: Lilli Moffat, Oliver Facey, Rob Davies, Steve Mitchell, Stuart Edwards, Ric Crossley, Will Lacey, Ben Cawkwell, Deirdre Beaugie and Lucie Nakach

If you would prefer not to be included in any photographs or footage at Curious Pastimes, please contact us by pm on our Facebook page, or by email to You can also make this known to the media team when they are walking around the camps.

If you wish to take photographs as part of the Media Team at a Curious Pastimes event, please also contact us!