You are warmly welcomed and graciously invited to one of the greatest jewels within Estragalian lands, Trioria.

Here the great house of De Avalos is delighted to invite the peoples of the combined warhosts for not only the great Renewal of Magic 1124 but also, we are to understand, a diplomatic rendevouz with our new acquaintances Sharrow and Yndrath.

Our lands lay ready to lavish comforts on all who chose to join us in the rejuvenation, restoration and revitalization of our magics, and the great people of the Algaia host are working tirelessly together with some of the finest names of the Estragalian courts to ensure entertainment will abound to light the mood between the bouts of deliberations and negotiation that lay before us in the greatest of games… diplomacy itself.

For those who wish to ensure they are in the best position to truly revel in this upcoming weekend a few announcements will follow! In short, we invite you to dust off your finer attire and brush up on your bearing, as you join us in a gathering sure to be worthy of the bards!

Small note: no liability for loss, injury or death whilst in the premises of De Avalos or wider Estragales will be taken by either the Don… or the Regent respectively.

L’Ordre des Proceedings

An Estragalian host would, of course, typically lay out a firm and ordered plan for any occasion. However, we are given to understand that the course of a Renewal of Magic never does run smooth and a tight schedule would only create cause for confusion.

Please therefore accept this more general ‘taster’ of some key events you can prepare for – with more details on certain aspects to follow. Friday 23rd August

The proceedings will begin with:

An early evening Algaia Promenade – which will collect all those of you willing from your respective camps and deliver you unto…

The Opening Ceremony at Il Teatro della Rosa Dorata, which will then be followed by, The Battle of the Bards, who are sure to fill the theatre with delight! It is recommended that, for those with the means and desire, this would be a good opportunity for you to dazzle in your finery so please adorn yourself as you see fit so that you are ready to join the promenade and progress into the evening’s entertainment! Please also bring with you a beverage receptacle of your choosing so that you may sample some of our fine Estragalian punch.

Saturday 24th August

A day of entertainment and frivolity with:

A very special opportunity to attend a rare Open Day within the Ancient Gardens and Maze of Trioria with:

An opportunity to meet the gardener and visit the wishing well at 10am Two garden games starting at 11 and 3 respectively – details within flier to be shortly sent

A Promenade Play, ‘Who is the Stag Bear’ at 1pm

At 12 noon ‘The Warhosts have Talent’ Competition at the Theatre – where we hope to see a plethora of 4 minute acts across the widest range of skills possible!

The Estragalian Wedding of the Season – to be held at 4pm at the Theatre, with subsequent feasting and entertainment then back at the Algaia camp.

A full timetable of the complete activities around this will be circulated shortly. Sunday 25th August [After some likely unavoidable pugilistic behaviour…]

The Renewal of Magic Masquerade will occur on Sunday night at the Ritual Circle. We would be delighted to see as many of you there as possible particularly donning your favourite masks and party attire so see in the new year of magic!

Then join us in an After Party at the Theatre. [please again bring your favourite beverage receptacles] Monday 26th August

Departure* from our fair land. *it is an unavoidable truth that this is likely to invoke rain