Pyrotechnic special effects, including flashes, loud bangs, and smoke effects, will be in use at Renewal 2024, including at the ritual circle, during skirmishes and battles, and during the wider game.

Very loud effects will only be present during battles and skirmishes – these will not be used in camp areas.  However, due to their nature, they will still be audible across the wider site. 

We will not use loud effects very late at night.

Anyone using pyrotechnics during a skirmish or battle will be wearing an orange hi visibility vest.

If you have questions regarding pyrotechnic use, please speak to a member of the SFX Team who can be contacted via the Event Team or Game Team.  While we do try our absolute best to be considerate of the needs of our players, due to the nature of our game it is not possible for the SFX Team to know where any given person is at any given time, and therefore we are unable to give advance warning to individuals before effects are used.

All pyrotechnic effects at Curious Pastimes come under the remit of the SFX Team, and may not be used by players without prior permission.  This includes anything that generates light, smoke and/or noise via chemical means that isn’t a standard fire. 

Under no circumstances may any player use any pyrotechnic device that generates smoke or loud noise at Curious Pastimes events.  For any items that generate light through chemical means (e.g. glow sticks), are added to a fire (e.g. to change the flame colour) or generate small levels of noise please speak to a member of the SFX team for clearance before taking these into the IC area.  Any non-standard use of fire (e.g. large pyres, wickermen, fire poi etc) will also need clearing by the SFX team (ideally before the event) for safety purposes. If in doubt, please get in contact and the SFX team will see what can be done.

We will be holding a pyrotechnics briefing on Friday. This is aimed at those who may be feeling nervous or anxious about effects, or would like more information about what to expect.  We will be meeting in the Teepee glade at 4pm and will be holding the main briefing in Glade 24 on the battlefield starting from approximately 4.15pm.

Please be aware that this briefing will include the use of pyrotechnic effects, including loud bangs, and these may be heard across the wider site.