Bow Safety and Weapons Checking.

Anyone who wishes to use a bow or crossbow of any description at Curious Pastimes must first take part in a Bow Safety session.
Bow Safety sessions will be held at:
Friday – 3:00pm
Saturday – 10:00am
Sunday – 10:00am

Please meet outside Event HQ for any of these sessions.

Please let us know if you plan to attend one of the sessions by completing this form:

If you pre-book for a session, your licence will be prepared ahead of time and your card will be ready to go on completion of the session.  If you have not pre-booked, your card may not be available until the following day.

There is a Curious Pastimes Archery group for anyone who may be interested in joining or if you have any questions about archery at Curious Pastimes.

Weapons Checking:All weapons, shields and armour must be checked by a Weapons Checker before use to ensure they are safe.  Weapons checking will take place in camps before Time-In on Friday, and again before any skirmishes.  If an item is deemed to be unsafe or damaged, it is considered to have ‘failed’ a weapons check.  Failed weapons, arrows or armour will be marked with a red tag – these items must not be used in the game under any circumstances, and should ideally be stored in an out of character area for the remainder of the game.

Traders’ weapons will be checked prior to the event opening.